Apius Technologies SA Apius Technologies is a Polish company operating in the international IT services market. We focus our activities on areas in which we are undisputed leaders and dominators: cyber security, IP communications and the development of our own applications. We provide our services in Poland and 11 countries, including the UK,… IT/ICT Added on 7 November 2023 tomasz.kawa@apius.pl+48123783930+48123576040Moniuszki 50, 31-523 KrakówTomasz Kawawww.apius.pl
Polcom Polcom is a company with 25 years of experience in providing comprehensive IT services and products for business. Polcom has a team of the most modern and largest data centres in Poland, using the most developed technologies, on the basis of which it provides cloud computing and data storage services… IT/ICT Added on 7 November 2023 anna_kulikowska@polcom.com.pl+48124205305+48124205300Krakowska 43, 32-050 SkawinaAnna Kulikowskapolcom.com.pl
ELZAB SA ELZAB S. A. – leader on the domestic market, specialising in the design, production and distribution of electronic cash registers and fiscal printers, electronic scales, price checkers, cash drawers and accessories for cash system integration. The offer is aimed at small, medium and large retail and service outlets. The company… IT/ICT Added on 7 November 2023 kontakt@elzab.com.pl+48322722583ul. ELZAB 1, 41-813 ZabrzeGabriela Rydygierwww.elzab.com.pl
Aplisens SA APLISENS S.A. is a leader among national suppliers of industrial control and measurement equipment solutions The company has been in existence since 1992. The company's headquarters are in Warsaw, where the main production plant is located, equipped with very advanced technology enabling the production of apparatus at the highest world… IT/ICT Added on 7 November 2023 export@aplisens.pl+48228140778+48228140777ul. Morelowa 7. 03-192 WarszawaTomasz Kottewww.aplisens.com
TELDAT TELDAT is the only Polish company in the field of military IT, which has been dynamically and effectively operating in the defence market for more than 20 years. The company possesses: the largest national and worldwide highly specialised potential (including engineering), broad competencies and capabilities, as well as comprehensive and… IT/ICT Added on 7 November 2023 rwisniewski@teldat.com.pl+48523419708+48523419740ul. Cicha 19-27, 85-650 BydgoszczRyszard Wiśniewskiteldat.com.pl