Aplisens SA
APLISENS S.A. is a leader among national suppliers of industrial control and measurement equipment solutions
The company has been in existence since 1992. The company’s headquarters are in Warsaw, where the main production plant is located, equipped with very advanced technology enabling the production of apparatus at the highest world level. The company has numerous branches and technical and commercial representations in Poland, the EU, the CIS and many other countries. Aplisens’ team of technical advisors has a great deal of knowledge and experience in the applications of the offered equipment and is at the constant disposal of our customers
Aplisens’ offer includes the following assortment of primarily control and measurement equipment
– Pressure, differential pressure and level transmitters
– Depth and level probes
– Temperature sensors and transmitters
– Valves and mounting accessories
– Meters, regulators and displays
– Power supplies separators and signal converters
– Level probes for measuring truck fuel levels
– Positioners
– Electric actuators
The company has an extensive research and development department and has implemented the ISO 9001 management system, which allows it to constantly ensure the quality of its products
Tomasz Kotte
International Sales Director
0048 22 814 07 78
0048 22 814 07 77 ext. 143
Krzysztof Wolszczak
Sales Engineer
0048 22 814 07 77 ext. 143
7 Apricot Street